Visit to Orlando


Premium Member
Hi reefers!

As some of you know, I'll be moving to Orlando in some omnths from now. However, I will be visiting from july 15th to july 28th and would like to visit some stores around.

I know some of you own LFS and some work in them. Perhaps, you could let me know its addresses so I can check them out and meet you, while I'm there.

Thanks for everything!

An early welcome to Orlando!

I often make the rounds visiting the local LFS's. It's tough on the wallet but somebody has to do it. We have a number of good stores in the area but I don't know their specific addresses. I will, however, give you the cross streets.

Ocean Blue - University and Golden Rod. Some nice display tanks. Personable and knowledgeable staff. Sometimes a little slim on variety but usually has the standards. Some things might be a buck or two higher than the competition.

Fishy Business - Hwy 427 and Hwy 434. Largest and widest selection of fish IMHO. OK selection of corals (mostly softs with a mixture of LPS). Fish are generally little less expensive than Ocean Blue. They have just added a new display tank with some nice acro's and a couple of other SPS's. I wish I had more $'s

Seven Seas - Hwy-434 west of I-4. IMHO the largest quantity, and widest variety of corals usually at reasonable price (softs, LPS, and SPS). Standard fish often with some surprises. Usually has several varieties of snails - instead of just turbos. The only place in town (that I know of) that stocks DT's

Seven Seas has shut its doors for the time being. We hope they reopen soon. A fire at the restaurant next door shut them and their air conditioner down. As a result, they lost a lot of livestock. It is my understanding that the survivors were donated to Sea World. I wish George and the gang the best. We miss you!

The Aquarium Store - Hwy 436 west of the Hwy-441 intersection. (give them a call first. I know how to drive their but my directions might be wrong.) By far the largest and widest variety of dry goods. Usually has some unusual critters. Fish and coral selection are small. I have seen some nice fish prices here if they have what you want. You have to see the aquariums in their entry way!

Aquatic Eco-Systems - Apopka off of 441. Huge selection of dry goods. Go to their website to find what you want, call ahead and pick up at their warehouse. I have their catalog but haven't bought anything from them yet. Kind of like the old Sears Catalog Christmas edition.

Safari Pets - Michigan a couple of blocks East of Orange. Don't go out of your way to visit. They may be moving soon.

A new store has come to town.
The Fish Bowl has opened on Lake Mary Road. At the I-4 & Lake Mary intersection go East (towards Sanford), at Lake Emma Rd. turn South (right), the The Fish Bowl is located in the shopping center to your left.

They are new and are working on building up their stock. The usual selection of SW fish in an attractive display. They have as good of live rock selection as anyone and even though it was described as well picked over it still had better gulf rock than anybody else in town. Their coral selection is still a little slim but I understand that it will be expanding and that I was there shortly before their next shipment (they usually receive new goodies on Tuesday). The manager is Michelle, previously of Fishy Business, who is both friendly and knowledgeable. Check it out!

The stock of all these stores is a lot like life. Any day you might find a great bargain at any of them. I'm glad that my job occasionally gets me out and about and I can stick my head into most of them on a semi-regular basis. Go shopping and see what's out there.

Once again, Welcome to Orlando!

{I just noticed that this review was being linked to from other threads so I added some updates and fixed some stupid spelling and grammer errors. (Just pretend that the remainder were left there on purpose}
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Thanks !!! I'll do so. I'll be staying with friends but I'll certainly give you a call.

BTW, what is your name? I can't hardly ask for smpolyp... :)

See ya!

Hi everyone, I'm new to the Orlando area , and am currently working in the fish department of the PetsMart. I must say, as someone who has been in the fish business for a few years you really have to shop around and ask questions. I've found some of the local stores to be very inconsiderate, and rude. I know I'm only 22, but I know more than half of the people in some of these smaller stores. Know what you want,research it and then ask the people you are buying it from questions that would be obvious to someone who should know. Such as would a Lionfish eat my Tomato clown, duh, yes, but I've actually had people who wanted to sell me this lionfish say , no that it's a good match in a six gallon mini reef. So, just beware when shopping, there are a lot of people here trying to scam you over. And if you ever feel the need to get freshwater fish, head over to the Melbourne PetsMart, it is a great deal better than almost any fish store in orlando as far as quality and prices, plus the staff is great, and there is a good guarantee. I don't suggest though some of the local petsmarts though. IE The one I'm at, gotta pay the rent somehow. Anyhoo, hope my little bit was helpful.
P.S. Eclipse tanks do work as a mini reef no matter what people will tell you. I've had my 6 gallon one going now for 2 years with no fatalities , and very little work involved. Maybe I'm just lucky, who knows. :D
I avoid PS, PectCo and all the others like the plague for livestock. Only time I step foot in them is when they have a sale on salt.

BTW when you say smaller stores are you talking about the 3 main marine stores we have (Seven Seas, Ocean Blue, Aquarium)? The folks at those stores seem to know their stuff more than the chains IMO.
i live in waterford. maybe i've seen you before. too bad you all don't carry any saltwater fish. petland seems like they do a little better. i like to stop by petland just to see what kind of coral and fish they have, and to look at the dogs and cats.
Mr. Neutron,

I haven't ran into any knowledgeable people in the chain stores either. However, this person introduced themselves in a friendly manner and appears to be concerned about the creatures in our care. I hope we can welcome him, give him a chance, and let him stand on his own reputation and track record.

well, I'm the only girl in my department, so that could help you out a bit. I do agree, most of the larger chain stores are bad. I got really lucky when I started with PetsMart five years ago there was an excellent training program. Since then I can only vouge for the people at the Melbourne store, since I was the one who trained them. I don't really want to give one of the stores a bad rep, but it was one of the three mentioned. I don't know if I just talked to a new guy, or if because I was a college girl that they kinda thought I was dumb. Who knows. I just moved to this area, I use to be a marine bio major, so fish are my big hobby. If you all have any questions please feel free to ask me, I know I'll probably be asking you all stuff about my little reef tank. The only problem I ever had with it was buying a chocolate chip starfish that decided to go on a killing spree and eat everything in my tank while it was asleep. Needless to say he was taken back real fast.
hey meika,
what kind of corals you keep in your tank?? i might have some free stuff for you. i'm trying to get rid of my softies, like some mushrooms and a leather.
Just thought this thread was interesting to see how things change in the fish business! OB now opening up another store (and not in WD plaza anymore!), Pet Safari in downtown Orlando, Fishy Bus is still the same, and The Fish Bowl was the new fish store in town. And Seven Seas is at another location, and the old owner is in business with Greg!