Vodka dosing need help


New member
I Have been Vodka Dosing for 15 Weeks in my 120 g tank. The Nitrates are 80 PPM and I have not seen any change. I am presently dosing 8.5 Ml per day.
I have a heavy Bio Load and a coral sand bed of 1-1.5 inches. I am using a Reef Octopus 100 HOB Skimmer.

Should I continue with my Dosing Schedule or give up in failure?
I Have been Vodka Dosing for 15 Weeks in my 120 g tank. The Nitrates are 80 PPM and I have not seen any change. I am presently dosing 8.5 Ml per day.
I have a heavy Bio Load and a coral sand bed of 1-1.5 inches. I am using a Reef Octopus 100 HOB Skimmer.

Should I continue with my Dosing Schedule or give up in failure?

It may just take more vodka. I don't remember seeing a max dosage in any of my readings. But, the answer to your question isn't that simple.

A few thoughts/questions come to mind when reading your post.

Carbon dosing requires adequate skimming. Your Octo 100 HOB may be undersized for a heavily stocked 120.

Carbon dosing failures can also occur because of phosphate limitation. What is the phosphate level in the tank?

Lack of other more minor elements can also limit the carbon dosing process. These are generally replaced by water changes. Are you doing water changes regularly?

Many test kits don't have much resolution at higher levels, it may have been sky high when you started and not dropped low enough to see yet.
John I think the Reef Octopus is borderline for a 120g however that is what I have to go with. I am getting Dark Green Skimmate I know I do have some Phosphate so that is not limiting. I have been Changing water everey three to 4 weeks 25%.

Maybe it will take more Vodka?
John I think the Reef Octopus is borderline for a 120g however that is what I have to go with. I am getting Dark Green Skimmate I know I do have some Phosphate so that is not limiting. I have been Changing water everey three to 4 weeks 25%.

Maybe it will take more Vodka?

Maybe... do you have corals in the tank, particularly SPS corals?
John I only have a little GSP now and it is not liking Vodka much. I will stay with Vodka awhile longer. Posts on Melves Reef said his 240 g took 15 ml vodka before he saw anything. Some recommend Sulfur Denitrator however when I looked into it possibilites of Sulfuric toxicity and gas. Also causes PH and Alkalinity problems
80 proof vodka?...Just add more...You might need to do 12ml or more...IMO keep increasing it till you see bacterial snot on the rocks ,etc...then back down just a bit..
Its hard to cause problems with carbon dosing so just crank up the dosing and go for broke...
If you see a bunch of snot back it down a bit and maintain it there..
My reef was ok with 1ml of vinegar per gallon of tank water. If we use an 8-1 ratio vinegar/vodka, you should be good up to 15ml of vodka per day.
Cheers! Mark
You should do 25 percent water change a week to get the nitrates down faster as well as increase your dosage a bit.
Red Sea NoPox!! Follow the he instructions..done. +1 ty I the water changes as well IF the water source is clean and not contributing to the problem.

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Red Sea NoPox!! Follow the he instructions..done. +1 ty I the water changes as well IF the water source is clean and not contributing to the problem.

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FYI... NoPox is simply a product basically composed of part Vodka.. Part Vinegar.. Part Water..
There are multiple "carbon sources" and they basically all work the same..
People have had success with all of them by themselves or in combination.