

Clownfish Farmer
So, who's going to volunteer to host our next reef meeting? Are we going to continue to have the meetings on Sunday?
Weekends are best for me, but football season is here and some of you work on Saturday. A bar was good for the first one. If nobody wants to volunteer their place then how about another bar?:D Suggestions?:beer:
O.k. seeing that no one else is volunteering I will step up. Actually I was waiting to see if Syligoose was gonna be the first cause she mentioned it, but I know she's been very busy these days.... So start a poll to see when it would work out for everyone, and we can have it here.
Alright Wendy:thumbsup:
I guess some weekend in October is fine. Plenty of time to sort out a date. Where do you live? Fort Pierce?
Well, SyliGoose was going to offer up hosting a shin-dig, but you beat me to it, Wendy. HaHaHa!!

Actually, I'm a bit embarrassed.....my tank looks like crap right now. Been working 40hrs/wk......then off to football practice and martial arts with the boys....there's just not enough hours in the day. Ugh!!
Rick has suggested to me a few things I can do to improve my tank.....so I've been working on that.

Wendy.......anything I can do to assist in the "hosting" process....lemme know.......

So, if Wendy's doing this one, I can do the next one.....if y'all don't mind a dirty tank, that is. haha (I'm really close to the turnpike and PSL Blvd) Maybe y'all can tell me what to d to fix it....lol

Saturdays I can't do.....football games for my son.....but Sundays work great.....have HDTV with surround sound for football watchers. LOL
The 25th/26th of Oct I can't do, I will be out of town.

Post and let everyone know what day is decided. (o:
yup, any booze is usually brought by the one drinking it and it's always good courtesy to bring a pot luck snack to take the burden off the host a bit. nuthin' to big. some chips n' dip, soda, salads, a rack of prime rib for the grill... :D
October 12th works for me ....if that works for everyone else.
Umm... Rick I got the grill if you bring the prime rib....LOL.

Mel don't cha worry I let you know if I need assisting....HA HA

Same time as last time or should we do it earlier??

As we get closer those who are coming i will pm my address with directions.

Looking forward to our next meeting ..... I too am a bit embarrassed about my tank..... so any thoughts will be helpful.....

FYI I have a daughter whose 8 so for those who have kids they are welcome.

See y'all next month :D
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The 12th works for me as well. Does anyone work on Sundays? Perhaps we could make it earlier, say 2:00PM? :fish1:
Wendy's doing this one.....10/12th at 2pm.....at her house off Savona a bit south of Gatlin in PSL. She's been watching to see who has said they'll be there and PMing them her address. If she hasn't yet PM'd you.....I'm sure she will next time she pops on the computer. (o:

But I did say that I'd offer up hosting it at my house for the next one. (o: