
Here is a quick picture someone else took of the motor casing of the vortech - the rubber legs that i've previously talked abotu go into these holes:

That sucks.. I wish you would have known you were going to buy a Vortech, I would have told you not to waste your money.

John (The Owner of Aquarium & Reef center, Del Prado) has been researching powerheads for a couple of months now.
He ordered a couple of VT's to try out in his display tank. Well, after waiting almost a month to get one from his distributor it finally came in (He ordered 4 and only got 1??).

He took it out of the box, put everything together and dropped in his display tank. Plugged it in and it ran for about 30 sec. then.... nothing. Piece of crap motor burnt up in less than a minute. He sent it back to Vortech and they refuse to send him a new one.
They tried to say it was his fault but wouldn't tell him why, or what he did wrong, they just kept blaming him.

I think that this PH was rushed into the market and they (Ecotech/Icecap) did not do enough testing to work out the bugs, They might be trying to push the cost of R&D off onto the consumers and using us as paying beta-testers.

Oh well, looked like it would be a great product but after hearing all of these stories I think I'll go with a CL/OM 4way on my next tank. Either that or buy some of those new Hydor PH's (1200 gph for $50) Cheap and the flow is capable of directional flow (ball joint) and can easily be controlled with Seio Wave-maker.
you guys have way to much freetime, I want an article posted on the lifecyle of a flatworm vs. the lifecycle of a redbug and why one is better for marco's tank. lol. I crack myself up... come to think of it thats what happened, the pump prolly sucked in a huge flatworm and broke haha. (its only funny cuz its true) ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9076336#post9076336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
you guys have way to much freetime, I want an article posted on the lifecyle of a flatworm vs. the lifecycle of a redbug and why one is better for marco's tank. lol. I crack myself up... come to think of it thats what happened, the pump prolly sucked in a huge flatworm and broke haha. (its only funny cuz its true) ;)

you are starting to become my new hero!
I placed the VT in my tank last night ... it was rattling and vibratinga little ... annoying loud - this morning its not anymore - just the humming from the motor. i only had it running on a little over minimum speed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9077865#post9077865 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
i only had it running on a little over minimum speed.

Yea because anything more would make the pump shut down since it is a turd, and it is junk...:D
rofl .... i just got the package with the replacement driver & power supply ... i'll test that in a little bit ... since i'm going home anyway troubleshoot my cold water issue this am ... SUCKS waking up & showering COLD!
I got the package - took it home & replaced the Power Supply - that was it.

I've had the unit running since around 12.30pm @ somewhere between 90% to 100% constant - and NO ISSUES!

The pump/motor also does NOT vibrate, or rattle anymore. you hear the quiet humming of the motor - thats it.