Wagon's REEF

Be careful with GFO. When I added a bunch of GFO to my tank all at once it nearly killed monitpopra and other LPS corals.
Also Gomer will probably put up some good links to check-out….

Call me confused :-D
edit: ok, less confused, I think :P
GFO (granular ferric oxide) is an export path for Phosphates
GAC (granular activated Carbon) is an export path for organics.
Both of these are nice to have in the system in reactors (not mesh bags), and even more so with tanks without big water changes, or big macro fuges. These simply help get rid of excess nutrients.

and here are a couple links :P

Also, Great job on the thread! I like how your rock wall isnt a rock wall, but rather a focal mound. A lot more balance there :-D This is one you don't want to learn the hard way (I'm sure we have all learned some things the hard way lol. Mine was light shocking corals and salinity adjusting. In both cases, doing either too fast!).

Also, yes on flow! So many put too much emphasis on light and not enough on flow.

Also also (:P) steamboat is right. Go slow on GFO or the symbiotic algae will go on the fritz and you can bleach out.
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Also, Great job on the thread! I like how your rock wall isnt a rock wall, but rather a focal mound. A lot more balance there :-D This is one you don't want to learn the hard way (I'm sure we have all learned some things the hard way lol. Mine was light shocking corals and salinity adjusting. In both cases, doing either too fast!).

Thanks and Thanks I tried to open the tank up as much as possible. The hard way is the only I learn when it comes to my tank at least it seems that way.hahaha eerrrrr boohooohoo"¦
Little post for fun this is a Porites Coral, that I brought back from Hawaii in peanut butter jar and that's how I got my coral crew nickname Skippee"¦

Little post for fun this is a Porites Coral, that I brought back from Hawaii in peanut butter jar and that's how I got my coral crew nickname Skippee"¦

Lol. How did you pack it? I heard their pretty thorough on checks to and from Hawaii, but I'm sure tons of stuff gets by. I remember when I was bringing back cuban cigars from out of the states and was afraid the customs guy was gonna find them.
How funny. Yeah I put all of my Cuban cigars in my wife’s luggage when we come back. If she gets detained I will tell them I found her in Cuba. Yeah it was a couple years back before the security got all crazy.. I found a few coral fragments on the beach. I t would have just dies if I left them there. I picked them up and put them in salt water. It was like 3 days before we left so I had to do water changes on them in the condo every day. I sealed them up in Jiffy Peanut butter jars and brought them in my pockets on the plane. A little nerve wracking but it was all good. The last time we went to Hawaii I didn’t dare try it. I was tempted last spring when my wife and I went to Mexico. There were little brain corals in the sand that were only going to get creamed by all of the currents. We already had Cuban cigars and unclaimed jewelry so we decided to wait.
That time in Hawaii Actually I brought three fragments back but only one made it.
So really you are promoting life of the reefs, saving those poor frags from certain death. You need one of those cool concealed shaving cream jars to store them in, like the one from Jurassic park.

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