Mdwannabe said:
Why did you decide to go without the DSB? I have 300 LBS of southdown waiting for it's new home, and was going to order 150 LBS of live sand to seed it, something I should know? Just wondering.
I first want to say that I beg of everyone not to turn this thread into a DSB/Barebottom debate. There are numerous other threads on here that I will gladly reference everyone too so they can come to their own conclusions. Those threads are:
DSB Related Journal, Newspaper, Articles, etc...
Who out there goes with a bare bottom tank. Just liverock and no substrate?
DSB Heresy
I actually have 9 bags of southdown sitting in my garage, that were going to be initially used on the tank before I redesigned it.
Okay now to my reasons why I went barebottom...
1. I had a lot of algae breakouts on my sand in my 120g. I had what I thought were plenty of critters, and an acceptable sandbed(4.5'' of purearragonite). I didnt have a large bioload, and I didnt feed that heavy. I also found that I had quite a bit of detritus in my sandbed when I took some scoops of livesand out to put in my bug tank, and once I placed those in the bug tank cyano started growing rapidly(and only grew where I dumped in the scoops). I didnt like how my sandbed had turned into a nutrient sink. Now this could have been my fault in not allowing the sandbed to work properly. Too much liverock covering the sand, and possibly the fact that maybe I didnt actually have enough critters(but I swear I had a ton).
2. I had lots of problems in my 120g with the sandbed getting kicked up. I wasnt able to provide as much flow as I wanted too. I am a flow nut! So by going barebottom I could get as much flow as I wanted in my tank. I could place my tunze streams on the bottom of the tank if I wanted and not have to worry about a sand mess. So since the tank is a SPS tank, I wanted as much flow as possible!
3. The other flow issue, was a matter that I wan to remove as much nutrients in my tank as possible before they break down. To do this I need lots of flow, which could cause the sandbed to kickup. Also I wanted to run a spraybar so that the tank was nutrient free under my rockwork. There would be no way to do this with sand, atleast not in the efficient manner I wanted to.
It took me a while to decide what I truly wanted from my tank. The barebottom look has to grow on you, I didnt like it at first. Now it is nice, and it actually makes my lighting more effective(note the bleaching samoensis).
I settled that on this tank I wanted to remove nutrients, and provide as much flow as possible to my sps. This lead to the necessity of ditching the dsb for flow issues. And I can attest If I had sand of any kind(even cc) it wouldnt stay on the bottom very well.
So I am not saying a DSB doesnt work, or cant work. This was just my reasoning for going barebottom.
Its a tough decision.