I spent probably 8 hours putting this thread together by cropping pix, writting text, etc.
And I keep getting questions that have answers right in my text.
I wrote this thread to help people, however not to hold their hand. I definitely welcome ANY comments/questions on information that I forgot to cover, or that you just want more indepth.
But so far most of the questions are answered right in the heart of the thread.
I didn't post the thread for my benefit, I posted it for everyone else. I have had lots of ppl PM me with more detailed questions, and have helped a lot of people out. Several people have designed similar parts of my system into their tanks. So a lot of good has come from this thread, but I feel insulted personally when someone says they didnt spend the time to read it, and want me to restate it for their benefit.
Thats the attitude, and I think it is fair.