Want To Buy Ligths


New member
Hello everyone. I am looking to buy some lights for my 75g. I need 2 250wMH. I need them to be retrofit, or at least be able to be mounted in my canopy. Le me know
If you want to step down to 175w, I have 2 icecap ballasts, mogul sockets, and two used bulbs. $175. PM if interested.
dang Great Deal i will definitely keep u you in mind if i find no 250's out there. Im just worried im wont have enough light with anything less than 250 since i wont be running any pc's or t5 supplementation to add to my wattage.And this will be a SPS dominated tank.I Have seen a friends tank "Carlos WLDSHARK", and he has 150's in a 55 with 2 t5 and it looks kinda dim ad the bottom. So im worried that will happen to me because i have a clam i would like to put down there. If anyone else thinks otherwise let me know. But i Definitely keep deal in mind. Any One Else Has lights let me know.
I have 2 sunpaq 96w pc bulb ballasts no bulbs.... if you need supplamental lighting (actinic), if you're interested. PM ME if you like. I am in Kendall.
