Want Zoa's

I've got some red safecrackers... 2 separate frags... one is about 35 polyps, with 2 polyps of bright bright orange center and green skirt. The other is lots of polyps, from the metal halide tank. $30 each, and you can't beat that price! I have others as well... baby blue, orange center palys, etc... Come see what I have!
I'm looking for Zoa's too, would love to see some pics of what you guys have. I'll be checking out the frag swap.
I'll be away all weekend, but we can do a get-together at my house Monday night... drop me a pm and let me know if you're interested. I'll supply the sodypop...
Its worth the trip Chris has great stuff....So I guess your back is feeling better Chris.....Let me know what you have after this weekend....I am still working on stocking my tank and would like some more zoos and some mushrooms....the xenias have opened and started growing nicely....all attached to various surfaces....
bishop, I'll more than likely have everything I had when you came. I havent seen anyone since then, and I won't be seeing anyone this weekend. Going sailing/fishing in the keys.
you want something you wont see somewhere else, well take a look, dont think youve seen these before.


