Wanted .... Harlequin Shrimp


Yep,that one
Looking for a Harlequin Shrimp to borrow (or rent, lol) for a couple of weeks. I have an outbreak of the greyish Asterina that are eating the crap out of my Zoa colonies ! :angryfire:
I could also buy one, but just dont like the idea of feeding it starfish (that are beneficial) every 2 weeks or so.
Also willing to temporarily trade for a large sand shifting starfish, so it doesnt get eatin !

Will pick up anywhere local to Lewisburg PA, 17837.

Very cool creatures. I have one, but I'm rather attached. With the high end zoas I have, getting one only made sense. After he did a good job getting the asterina out of my display, I bought two chocolate chips and put them in my fuge. Every week or two I snip an arm to feed the Harley. I know someone is going to say this is cruel to the cc star, but unless you are a vegan, I will argue that the cow, pig, chicken, or fish was once alive and died for you to enjoy eating it.
Very cool creatures. I have one, but I'm rather attached. With the high end zoas I have, getting one only made sense. After he did a good job getting the asterina out of my display, I bought two chocolate chips and put them in my fuge. Every week or two I snip an arm to feed the Harley. I know someone is going to say this is cruel to the cc star, but unless you are a vegan, I will argue that the cow, pig, chicken, or fish was once alive and died for you to enjoy eating it.

O.K. Joe, I only need him for 2 weeks, lol. Would it help if I said he would be helping out some of your old frags :lolspin:.

Thats the thing. I dont really want to deal with the feeding habits of a harley full time. They are very cool, but ALL they eat is starfish ......
All I need is one for about 2 weeks to rid my tank of the demon Asternia :mad: .
Already lost a colony of eagle eyes, and 2 colonies of green dragon eyes. The asternia only seem to be eating the small polyp zoas ....... so far.

I'm sorry but it's only just getting comfortable to enough to roam regularly and I'm cheap and don't want to have to buy a new one God forbid something were to happen.
I just got one , ill let you borrow him after a few weeks if you would like.

You are the man Bobby ! :beer:

Just let me know when ever you want to give him up for a couple weeks............he will be well fed ! I can pick him up whenever.

Still got a bunch of your frags going strong.
Best is the Scripps ...........fastest growing stag I have ever seen !

Bobby! Hello stranger! How've you been? Where have you been?!?!

Whats up? I apologize I haven't been around, I travel a good amount of time now with work, I also started my own business so between both of them I really don't have time to breathe. Tank is going strong, I had/have some temperature issues with fluctuations that killed a few of my pieces , but I should be back on track now.

Herbie, no problem he should be good to go in 2 weeks or so. I will keep you posted.