Wanted Lighting


New member
I am about to setup my new tank, but i am need of some better lighting. I have a 65w pc acitnic/daylight, but want something stronger. The tank is 30 inches wide. I am interested in almost all types of lighting, but i do not want a pendant style. It will have to be something that sits on the tank (either directly on it or by legs. I checked at the yard sale, but did not really find anything. Hopefully someone has something out there.

i have a 30 inch long tank and have this.



it has 2 actinic VHO's and 1 250 watts MH. IT IS NOT FOR SALE. just giving you an idea. kermits can probably get you one. i got lucky and bought it from shake.
Yeah, i registered just after that sold, i was kind of sad.
That is pretty much exactly what i want, i just hope someone has one.