Wanting to dive into sps corals

Cody Ray

New member
In the past I have attempted to keep sps corals, but with no success. This time I want to put some more effort into an sps system, and I was hoping that some of the sps-veterans could help me out. Right now I want to start out with a 29-gallon AGA. I don't want to mess with a sump right now, so everything is going to be HOB. Right now I have a remora w/prefilter and a pair of maxijet 1200's w/Hydor Flo deflectors. However, concerning the powerheads, I was thinking about trying a Wave2k corner wavemaker along with the 1200's.

Many of you seem to be having great results with BB systems. I'm not too fond of starboard, so I was thinking about doing a foam/concrete bottom. This would need to cure for a period of time, giving me time to purchase more equipment. I know there will be some concern as some might think that this could trap detritus. After looking at some of the background fellow reefers have made using this method, it appeared that the surface was actually relatively smooth. I am also thinking about buying a phosban reactor.

Does anybody have any suggestions or comments? I am very serious about this and don't want to fail again.
i would really suggest you get a sump and ditch the hob;also an auto top off, a couple of cut nozzle maxijets on a wavemaker...


I just remembered that my remora doesn't work very well to begin with :p If you really think a sump would be helpfull, I can simply move my macroalgae over to the 29 I was planning on using.

If I use my macroalgae system (which is also a 29 gallon) than here is what I have to work with:

The back is drilled for one 11/2" overflow (or it might be 11/4" I can't remember right this second) and two 3/4" returns. I also have a SQWD and 10 gallon sump. The sump needs baffles added. The macroalgae tank has a maxijet 1200 w/hydor Flo and a seio 620. I figure if I get a mag 9.5 as the return I should be golden on flow.

I don't have an in-sump skimmer and I have heard good things about the ASM G1, so I figure this would be the skimmer.
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from my experience, i have found that the bigger the system, the easier it is to keep sps corals. the increased water volume helps a great deal in stability, so i would get a sump just for the extra volume. another thing that might be a concern is temp. what lights are you going to be running? and since you're in phoenix, is the tank going to be in an air-conditioned room or are you running a chiller? just some things i think you should consider.
I'm still not to keen on going BB, I just can't stand the look. After going over everything I currently have available I made a list of what I have a need:

What I have:

29-gallon RR w/stand
10-gallon sump (needs baffles)
Seio 620
Maxijet 1200 w/Hydor Flo deflector

What I need:
Skimmer (thinking about ASM G1, any comments on this?)
Return pump (thinking about Mag 9.5)
Lighting (I would imagine the best lighting would be a 250W pendant with a nice Phoenix bulb so that I wouldn't need actinics, any suggestions?)
Phosphate reactor
Base rock (I'm willing to wait and allow it to become seeded)
Sand (I really dislike the look of BB though there are several who can really pull it off. I was thinking maybe an 1" of so just to get good coverage)

I forget anything?
from my experience, i have found that the bigger the system, the easier it is to keep sps corals. the increased water volume helps a great deal in stability, so i would get a sump just for the extra volume. another thing that might be a concern is temp. what lights are you going to be running? and since you're in phoenix, is the tank going to be in an air-conditioned room or are you running a chiller? just some things i think you should consider.

I agree with the increased water volume. This will be in my bedroom, so it will DEFFINATLY be air-conditioned. I like to keep my room around 70-75F. I thought a MH pendant would be better because it allows a good deal of heat to escape. Of course this creates more evap, so I will probably have to install an ATO or something similar.
sounds like you're off to a great start. only think else i can say is take it slow and try not to get too frustrated if the first few don't fair well. good luck
Once the system cycles I plan on starting off with easier sps corals such as porities, montipora, etc. If they do well then I will move on to other things.
Well I moved everything from the RR 29 to the 29 gallon I had sitting on the floor, took about 2 hours.



From the top



Just some interesting shots :D