War on Xenia: The nuclear option


New member
I have a 125 gallon that is infested. It's a wall of pink. And yesterday it ****ed off my RBT finally. So one of two things is happening: I'm taking the whole thing down and starting over with new rock, or I am nuking the tank.

Does anyone have experience with Fluke tablets for this? I hear it will destroy the Xenia, I'm just concerned about a few things:

1. I've seen a couple of people saying that once you do it, you can never keep certain corals again in that tank. Any truth to that?
2. I love zooanthids. I want my Xenia issue, but with Zooanthids. Would they be affected by this approach?
3. Are mushrooms / hairy mushrooms / Ricordia affected?
4. I have one surviving SPS that I'd rather not kill, but at this point I'm with collateral damage.
5. Any fish species I should not do this with? I have clowns, yellow and hippo tangs, a heniochous butterfly, a mandarin, a flame angel and some chromis.
6. What about my RBT?
7. How long should I remove all crabs and snails? Are star fish affected?

What approach would you take in this? At this point I just want to watch all that Xenia die a terrible horrible death.
I've destroyed it by covering with a rock so that it was stuck iin the shade. I don't guess you can keep the lights off for awhile? Or just cover the Xenia and nothing else?