WARNING To All Kent Marine Salt Users!


New member
i just picked up a new bag of Kent Marine Salt the other day. it seems the low alk problem is not just with the buckets of salt! after reading about the problem i decided to test the new salt as well. using the Salifert Alk kit i got a reading of .6 dKH. i added some of 40ml Randy's Recipe Alk part into the 5g of SW, and the alk jumped right up to 11 dKH which is where i try to keep my tank. the bag is a little different by they have added a zip-lock closure on the top. the labeling looks about the same so i couldnt give you a desription there. im going to email Kent shortly.
any idea where its at? i just did a google search, looked through about 10 pages with no luck finding it.

i would like to add i also tested SG,Ca, and PH

SG= 1.025
Ca= 400ppm
PH= 7.7-7.8 ( i use a cheap test for PH)
I'm at work right now, but I have it on my favorites at home. I'll link you in a few hours if noone else can get to it
You're welcome.

May I use that as my new sig:

"I'm an idiot, I can search!" - by nebraskareef :D

Keep in mind, I was referring to the fact I couldn't find the link, as I wasn't at home, where I had it in my favorites. Only to realize moments later, I have the search ability.

still, LOL
Kent salt blows------i mean blows----dont even need to go into it at all----it just blows.....Just go get some Instant Ocean, reef crystals or tropic marine or TM pro and be done with it.

If everyone would just use IO or TM we wouldnt need to waste breath on the Corallife or Kent or RedSea BS
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6985737#post6985737 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Serioussnaps
Kent salt blows------i mean blows----dont even need to go into it at all----it just blows.....Just go get some Instant Ocean, reef crystals or tropic marine or TM pro and be done with it.

If everyone would just use IO or TM we wouldnt need to waste breath on the Corallife or Kent or RedSea BS

Now THAT was a very well thought out response to this thread. :rolleyes:

Thank you for your contribution
i think i am correct. but arent these made by IO for kent.. its IO with kent additives... ie. vitamins ect..