Warranty for Purchaser's of Used Profilux Systems?


Active member

Could you please tell me if purchaser's of used equipment have the same remaining warranty and service that the original owner had?

well so far we have never ever had a genuine warranty case on a ProfiLux controller, EVER. Thats says something doesnt it :)

The warranty stays with the original owner so if it something went wrong (highly unlikely) then you would have to ship it back to him/her.

If you can give me the serial number I will tell you if it even has a warranty left on it, the period is 2 years for controllers and dosers, everything else 1 year, other than probes which are 6 months.

Before purchasng you want to know what enviroment the controller has been kept in, this goes for any electronic devise for obvious reasons. You also want to know why its being sold, as ProfiLux's just dont come up for sale that often.
If you want fool proof piece of mind yes, but if you have seen a great deal from a trusted source and you are comfortable it has not been missused then I cant argue with going for the deal.

This is no different than any other S/H purchase - "Buyer Beware"

On the plus side, you most likely will get a profilux at a good deal.

On the negative side, make sure the unit has not been subjected to high humid conditions or worse salt incursions as both would not be covered under any past present warranty. saying that everything is client repairable though.

ProfiLux dont "JUST" go wrong, this is such a true statement, i have seen a few cases of attempted warranty that when we receive the units the units were either wet or full of salt stains.

if you cant physically see it working then buyer beware really is paramount.
Just one question. If a receipt is lost is the warranty still good. In another post it stated your receipt is your warranty.
This is standard with any product purchase from anywhere, more so if you are dealing with the manufacturer or distributor directly and not through your point of purchase.
I see you live in NY, so am i. if you like to see Profilux at work you are welcome to pass by. I can show you how everything works. but, i can tell you one thing Michael is right
"ProfiLux dont "JUST" go wrong, this is such a true statement"


would love to pass by and see it. unfortunately i don't make it out to brooklyn very much. let me see what my week looks like and if I could make it out!

Thanks for the offer!