Waste water?

Chef Reef

In Memoriam
How much water do i let run through my RO/DI unit before i can use it. i just put on brand new filters. i replaced all 6 stages, including the membrane. how much do i let go through before the water is ok to use? iv heard im supposed to let 100 gallons go through to get all the loose carbon and w/e else is in there out first..
When you re-install the new filters start with only the first canister- flush it, then install the filter (or media) in the next cansiter and so on.
If your RO membrane was shipped "wet" it should be flushed for 45 mins. The rest of the filters and the DI (if you have) can be flushed for about 10 mins.

(this is what Russ told me from BFS- I just replaced all my filters)
k. well i just did about 10 gals of water. thanks for the advice. my TDS is still coming out to about 15 though.. should i run it a little longer? its been running since about 2:30pm today. when i first put it on the TDS was at 50ish.. will the TDS keep going down or is pretty much just set where its at?
well, I would think your readiings should be lower than that. Do you know what TDS reading you get before the RO?
the only time you need to flush the water is when you change the RO membrane, I usually just disconnect it from the DI and let it run for about 1 hr, then you can connect back on.
AZDesertRat always has some good advice. He is much more qualified to help ya than I am.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11492699#post11492699 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AZDesertRat No one can give you a "should be less than about 30 ppm TDS" without knowing what your water is to begin with. My tap is 800 and I get 5.2 out of my RO only so 30 will kill me in DI resin, in fact 15 would too. What you want is 96-98% removal from whatever the tap water TDS is.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11493918#post11493918 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Glove
AZDesertRat always has some good advice. He is much more qualified to help ya than I am.

Don't know who he is but even at a whooping 98% removal (95% is more realistic), if his tap water is 800 he should be getting at least 16ppm TDS out of his R/O, this does not sounds right.
my readings before the RO/DI was about 250 to 300. it varied from week to week. im also useing that TDS meter everyone got for free. maybe its my meter? anyone else having problems with that meter?