Water Blaster 7000 efficient for my application?


New member
I am looking for a submersible return pump that can pump water the two overflows on my 180 gallon tank at about 5 feet of head, as well as feeding two or three reactors. Will the WB7000 pump give me sufficient flow for this application? If not, what would you recommend? Thank you.

Hi Shaun, how many gph are you looking to get out of each return? Also, how many gph are you looking for through the reactors?
Please bear with me as I am pretty confused on this plumbing job. The two Marineland Coner-Flo overflows drain at 700 gph. So I guess I would have to match the return flow, correct? The reactors will need about 600 gph. The more I think about it an 1800 gph pump may not be enough, but I am just not sure.
The 7000 might be enough for you actually. I would think that you'd want around 500gph to each overflow. 600gph seems pretty high for reactors? What brand reactors, how will they be plumbed, and what media are you going to be using in them?
I am using two TLF Phosban reactors. Running Carbon and GFO in them. The 600 gph was definitley a high estimate.

I planned the pump plumbing configuration to look like this using 1 inch pvc:

1. the return pump will push water to a T fitting
-One pipe exit on the this T will feed a manifold for the two reactors
-The other pipe exit will lead to second T fitting

2. The second T fitting will will split the water to each of the overflow returns.

I just want to make sure that I have enough water pressure to effectively run the reactors while pushing enough water back to the tank itself. Hopefully the explanation of my plumbing scheme makes sense and can help with determining the proper pump I should be using.

Thank you for the help. I do appreciate it.
Knowing which reactors you are using now the WB7000 will be more than enough for your application. Having said that, going down to the 5000 probably wouldn't be the best way to go either, just to ensure you have enough pressure behind manifold that you're building. As long as you have every leg of the plumbing valved, you will be just fine.
