Water Blaster HY-7000 Pump


New member
i see you carry this pump but the info on it is limited on your site? do you know what the intake and output size is? also do you know about how many gallons it would do at 4 ft head? any feedback on this pump are they good? thanks

Unfortunately we do not have the specs from Coralvue on this yet. As soon as we get them I will relay the info.

We do not. We are expecting a Coralvue shipment tomorrow or Thursday, but we are not sure what items are on there yet. As soon as I see the shipment I can update here.
ok thanks i am looking for a more energy efficient pump to replace my iwaki 70rlt the 7000 seems close to the same flow but i need a pump with a one inch intake since that is what my sump is drilled for. thanks
Just waiting on specs myself as I am looking to replace a 1600gph 140w pump with something a lot more efficient.
We have a shipment leaving from Coralvue either yesterday, or today, in which this pump should indeed be on there. Only a few more days! :)