Water change container not food grade?


New member
I read a story recentally about somebody who was using a water change container for their SPS tank that was not food grade and that it caused problems. My RO/DI storage is not food grade, nether is my mixing (water change container), and it has me worried.

This is the label on the container, it does not have any other information anywhere on the container, just the label.


What are your thoughts? Should I replace these as a precation? or am I being paranoid?

Whiskey, did the person you read about say what specifically in the container caused the problems, or was it just suspected? If it was narrowed down, you could take a water sample to one of the locals with a colorimeter for a test, then you would know rather than guess.
The story mentioned toxins being releaced into the water, not testable by kits. It is not the phospate I worry about as much as it is the dies in the plastic ect, that I can't test for or deal with.

I would suggest to continue using the containers. Without being able to narrow it down, it was most likely something else that coincided with changing thier container. It sounds like buying abduction insurance. In my opinion, of course. :)