Water Change


Premium Member
Can someone explain the the ATO with Water Change, and the Water Change feature on the Profilux. I have a system with a 4 stage dosing pump, and am currently using S7(dosing pump 1) as a fresh water(kalk) top off. The top off is triggered by the optical float sensor.
Can I have pump #2 take water out of the sump for a specified amount of time, and then pump #3 add new water to the sump for the same amount of time? Will this only be accomplished by setting up timer features? If I set "sensor one" to ATO with Water change, and start it manually, dosing pump 2 will remove water(discard) for the maximum amount of time and then give an alarm. I'm assuming it is looking for a change of state from a sensor. Any advice on making this work? I currently have only one optical sensor. Ultimatly I'm looking to remove 5 gallons of water into a bucket, and replace 5 gallons from a bucket slowly.

I believe with the new firmware you can set the time for your top offs. So you could set fresh water top off for specific time(s) of the day and then set your saltwater top off time to the time you're removing water from the sump. Just make sure saltwater top off time does not overlap fresh water top off time.