Water changes, how big and how often?

geaux xman

New member
I'm looking at a possible 400g system in the future. I'm just curious how big and how often are you guys doing your water changes.

Please list system volume also.

I'm FOWLR heavy bioload at about 200g net (180g DT+75g sump).

I'm trying to do 50-60g WC every 2 weeks. I dont know if I can handle 100g WC every two weeks. Especially if the tank is in the spare bedroom.
If it is FOWLR, get a good skimmer and you should be good to go.
I use to have 300 dt 110 fudge/live rock holding tank, 120 sump (80 gallons of water).
I started out doing 50 gal a week, but went to 50 every other week and I had a very heavy bioload.
If it is FOWLR, get a good skimmer and you should be good to go.
I use to have 300 dt 110 fudge/live rock holding tank, 120 sump (80 gallons of water).
I started out doing 50 gal a week, but went to 50 every other week and I had a very heavy bioload.

i run a SRO3000int skimmer. I feed 3-5x/day. It'll pull out some pretty filthy gunk.
water change

water change

I have a 265 gallon tank. I live in South Florida so every month I have a service that comes to my house and delivers me 100 gallon of fresh ocean water and I do my 100 gallon water change. Tank is only almost 60 days old but it has a lot of fish, 300 pounds of tonga rock and still light on corals
I have a 265 gallon tank. I live in South Florida so every month I have a service that comes to my house and delivers me 100 gallon of fresh ocean water and I do my 100 gallon water change. Tank is only almost 60 days old but it has a lot of fish, 300 pounds of tonga rock and still light on corals

that sure helps.....
keeps you set in your maintenance...
I have a 265 gallon tank. I live in South Florida so every month I have a service that comes to my house and delivers me 100 gallon of fresh ocean water and I do my 100 gallon water change. Tank is only almost 60 days old but it has a lot of fish, 300 pounds of tonga rock and still light on corals

That would be awesome! Here in Michigan that type of service is a dream.
I have a 265 gallon tank. I live in South Florida so every month I have a service that comes to my house and delivers me 100 gallon of fresh ocean water and I do my 100 gallon water change. Tank is only almost 60 days old but it has a lot of fish, 300 pounds of tonga rock and still light on corals

That's nice ! Much cheaper than mixing artificial salt, I guess.