Water Changes, How much, How Often?


New member
We have our 225gal setup for 7 months now.

Been to 5 LFS, and each of them have different ideas on how much, how often water should be changed.

My water parameters are good, but the opinions of the LFS's vary so much, I am looking for the info from the Pros, ... that's you guys with the big tanks that are very well established.

So without bias what is the concensus here?

How much water?
What frequency?

And any additional cleaning you recomend... sand cleaning etc...

I do a 10% water change every two weeks. Seems to keep everybody happy. I generally don't mess with the sand bed.
10 % every week on a 125, but my tank is stocked very heavy and I feed alot and have a crappy skimmer I have mostly softies, leathers etc and they enjoy a lil' murky water if ya know what I mean.

I think it all depends on water parameters, and how heavily stocked , your skimmer but at a mimimum 10 % every two weeks to keep fresh water circulating into the system
50% about every 2-3 weeks on a 400 G tank/500 G system. I use NSW so it dosen't cost me anything but the gas to go and get it. Been doing this for a while now and everything seems to like it. I have some big fish and feed heavly. I also do 50% on my 72 G as well.

As for the sand, my fish take care of that, I have some large wrasses that like to burry themselfs in the sand. ;)
On my 330 gallon which is in the works of getting set up I will be doing 25% water changes every 2 weeks.
630 gallons total water with a 80 - 90 gallon water change on the 1st and 15th of every month with no skimmer
On my 180 I just watch my parameters. I have 13 fish and LPS/softies. If my ORP starts to fall (below 400) I get water ready and change in 2-3 days. Usually every 10 days I do a 30 gallon change on average on a total 240 gallon system. Sand bed is maintained by gobies and sand sifters.
I do a 20% water change every week on a heavily stocked, SPS dominant, barebottom reeftank of 500g (650g system).