water changes


New member

just reading about water changes, and was wondering if the profilux has the capacity to to continual water changes.

my idea is to have a large sealed tank filled with RO mixed with salt to the same specific gravity as the main tank, then add a heater to heat the water to the same temp as the tank or similar, then use one pump to remove 6.5L (for a 650L tank) per day to a waste bin and add 6.5L (plus evap) of new water, thus negating the need for water changes (i.e. 25% change every 4 weeks)

any ideas? i did notice the automatic water change section in the demo software, is this it's function?
just realised after i posted, if i used salt mixed water for top-off then i would get a salinity rise problem...
I use the Profilux dosing pump for continuous water change and top off. I have two 55-gallon drums, one with NWS and one with RO/DI. I pump approximately 3 gallons out, 3 gallons in and 2.5 gallons top off. Works great. You just have to figure out what your evaporation is for the top off. It's just trial and error until you get the correct amount.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11179221#post11179221 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fishie Nut
2.5 gallons top off. Works great. You just have to figure out what your evaporation is for the top off. It's just trial and error until you get the correct amount.

Fishie, having not set up my dosing pumps yet, I had assumed you could use the float switch for top offs. If that is the case, wouldn't that be a more precise method?
Yes, it would. However, doing it with the dosing pump, at .2 ml/hr, there really is not chance of an overflow or a stuck float switch. Even if the dosing pump keeps going, it would take a looong time to fill up my sump.

I have ordered the opitical water level and IF and when I get it from the guy in AZ, who doesn't answer my email or ship product, I may change to a standard top off, but really, the dosing works well and gives you peace of mind, especially when you're away.