Water clarity


New member
I've seen some aquariums with a sandbed and literally have crystal clear water with no particles floating around, how is this achieved? I have a SRO skimmer rated for up to 400 gallons (I have a 210), i run activated carbon, and filter socks. My water is very clear but theres always stuff floating around!
I don't run filter socks or carbon & waters always crystal clear. Not sure why though...

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I would say flow. I had this problem with my old 40 breeder and it turned out to be a powerhead that was pointed in a direction that caused too much turbulence on one side of the tank. This is just a guess, but I would carefully look at the direction of all your powerheads and see if there is any small movement on the sand.

Another alternative would be one of the fish. I know that some fish like to entertain themselves by making holes in the sand. Look for uneven areas in your sandbed to see if you spot anything.
IMO Fragaddictions tank is a perfect example of why gyre pumps work so well. So my 150 has 2 of them and I never have anything floating on top or in the mid water. But my 90 with Mp40s I have garbage floating on top. On another hand it can have something to do with how much flow your running through the sump. The more you have the more water skimmed off the top of the tank. What are you using for a return pump?
Thanks guys. Hey Brant what do you think of the jebao/jecod cp-150 version of the gyre? I was thinking of getting 2 of them..
that's what I am using. CP40s. Because they are not the most reliable I have a spare. So 3 of them for the cost of 1 xf250. If money was not a concern I would have the xf250s but the jebao's have been running close to a year with out issue. I love maxspect products, I just cant afford them with 5 systems, which is way to many. Soon I am taking 2 down.