Water Flow Issues


New member
I think i may not have quite enough water flow in my tank.

Tank is a 29g, with a mag 7 closed loop w/ scwd (outlet is 1" PVC, barely any velocity at all). Return pump from sump is a mag 5, with 4' or so of head, returning though a spraybar. I also have a minijet 404 on opposing sides of the tanks.

The goal for the tank is mainly SPS, acro and monti. Am I correct in thinking there should be a little more velocity than i currently have?

I was thinking about changing the output of the closed loop to 3/4" or even 1/2" to increase velocity. If that isnt enough, i could replace the minijets with maxijet 600 or 900s with the hacksaw mod. Opinions?
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well a scwd reduces flow by about 50% so your 700gph pump is now 350 plus the headloss you probobly luck to get 250gph out of it.

my opinion is throw 2 seio 620s on there and get rid of minijet and scwd
I'm running two 820's with about 400gph from my return. Ditch the SCWD though, chances are it will fail soon or just be a pain in the neck. However, I can't wait for the new Tunze nano pumps to come out this winter.