Water jugs


That Guy
Morning all,

Quick question and I think I can do this but better safe than sorry.

One of my 5g jugs I use to mix my salt with RO/DI water has some white buildup inside (not calcium from water itself as I use a water softener). Thinking it may be salt residue as it breaks off in little shards and will dissolve in DT. Was thinking about soaking in vinegar to try and clean out container. Don't think this would end up being harmful to my reef or fish after I rinse it out but wanted to ask to be sure.

Would this be safe to do?

Thank you in advance.
Perfectly safe, you won't have any issue from vinegar residue.

NaPOX, a product used to reduce nitrates and phosphates, partly contains vinegar. A small amount getting into your aquarium won't have any negative effect, its something people frequently dose in larger amounts for carbon dosing.
Thank you. I didn't think it should hurt but I'd hate to have pride kill my tank. I use vinegar water to clean the glass as it is but ya never know.

Thank you greatly for your prompt response, tis greatly appreciated.
A vinegar soak is perfectly fine. That's what all of us soak our pumps in to clean them :D

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Yes vinegar is used all the time for cleaning..
Many of us dose it into our tanks too as a carbon dosing
Totally safe to use..
You don't even need to rinse after cleaning..
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