water storage


New member
Is a Brute can the best to store water in or is there something cheaper that will work just as well?

Is there a place in town that sells them, I have not looked at all yet? and rough price if anyone knows it.

my 18g rubbermaid tote is a pain in the arse
You might like to look at the base and casters available for the brute. It's pretty nice to have mobile saltwater.

AJ :)
I thought about that. I would just keep it out in the garage, and fill up my jugs to bring in to fill the tank. Just would make it easier to mix the water up to have on hand. The wife is not liking the tote in the kitchen very much
I have a brute in my garage and it sets on the base and casters. I like the idea of it rolling around. pretty nice"
I use a brute on wheels. works great. I can roll it to the ro and let it fill. Then roll it out of the way and mix the salt and add heater. Then roll it to the tank to do the water change.
how hard is it to roll over door jams? I have thought of this in the garage but thought I couldn't roll it over the doorway?
I get over door jambs ok, carefully but ok.

Do you have a brute can already?
I could loan you a base and casters. To see how it would work for you.

AJ :)