Waterbox 100.3


New member
Hey all I'm getting a waterbox 100.3 in a few weeks it's 36x24x22 is this tank big enough to House one or two tangs in the future? I know most need 4 ft but I've seen multiple threads of this size tank with tangs in it. I've been told kole tangs or yellow might work but I just want to hear from different ppl in the hobby. I wouldn't be adding new fish for a few months down the road anyway just curious. Also, what about butterfly fish, angels or fox face? (I know most can't fit just curious)

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So I have the same tank, made an impulse buy on a scopas and returned it after a few months. I think a kole would be a better fit. My current stock is 1 skunk clown, 1 female leopard wrasse, 1 female square anthias, 1 coral beauty, 1 swallowtail, and 1 rainford goby. Angels would be a good choice. A trio would be a good idea.
Great tank man your going to love it. FYI the instructions on the stand are hilariously terrible. If I remember, "assemble the walls " and the after picture had everything in place.
Haha I've heard about the instructions I'm going to use the video on YouTube they have for the 100.3 stand thankfully. I wanted to do a group of yellow anthias I love them I already have two clowns and a 6 like wrasse too. This is for way down the road anyway so just looking into it. Thanks

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When did you order your tank? I bought mine during the Black Friday sale and mine's got a ship date of 01/11. Which is not the first ship date I've received so I'm wondering if the date will pass with an actual shipment or not.

Those videos the Waterbox guys did for the 100.3 are nice to watch. So much more helpful to have a video of someone doing it.
I ordered mine December 10th I just did the e signature for my delivery but i haven't gotten an email saying it shipped yet I'm expecting it this week to Atleast be shipped

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Interesting. I went to my lfs (owner is a registered dealer), and had the tank in like 3 days. That's a long lead time
While that tank may be big enough for a juvenile tang (kole,etc...) for a short time... IMO its too small to have one long term and I suggest you avoid tangs completely..
I have a kole in an 80g 4ft long tank and can't imagine it would be happy in only 3ft...
I got my release to sign Thursday so fingers crossed yours and mine both get shipped this week.

They said a while back they should be back to normal wait times by January but I don't see how you can ever catch up when you're at least 8 weeks behind on orders.
but I don't see how you can ever catch up when you're at least 8 weeks behind on orders.

Assuming your order volume doesn't change you simply increase your staff or use other methods to increase production (process improvement,etc...)