Waters of the World-Evansville,In-1 year New Store


New member
Would like to invite everyone down to the 1 year and counting of the new store location. We are planning Nov 22nd that Saturday to have Seachem here along with a speaker from them. Also plenty of give aways along with a raffle later that day .Other speaker might be added in a few days. If you havent had the chance t ocheck out this store its well worth the drive. Not only one of the few only saltwater stores around one of the best at that. You can go to www.coraldoc.com to check out more info about that day and just what is going on. If you cant make it down Saturday they are opened on Sunday and send Monty a email and he can get you a code for 10% off for members through he stor or there online store. Should be worth the drive , hope to seee you there.