Wat's your ALK usage?


Active member
I have a pretty heavily stocked 180 and dKH usage is about 3.5.

I have a Aquamaxx T-3 that is running 120ml/min with PH at 6.47 and isn't quite keeping up.

What flow rates are you pushing through the reactor. I am thinking of going up to 130
I have a 420 gallon multi-tank system and primarily SPS dominant.
My usage is about 2-3 dKH/day. I am running RHF DIY 2 Part, Kalkwasser in ATO and 1 gallon daily Drip, and my AquaC Rx-1 which supposedly can handle up to 400 gallon systems with pH at 6.6 and at a 1 drop/sec rate.
Mixed 150g with increasing SPS content. Current usage only .75 dKH per day. Recently replaced CArx with apex Dos unit and went back to 2 part. 55ml/day dosed evenly 24/7 keeps Alk stable.

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Just started my tank, have mostly SPS frags, and dialing in Calcium Reactor, so monitoring Alk closely. I'm using about .75dkh/day currently (112g-ish Red Sea Reefer 450).