Wavebox 6091 controller problem


Reef Engineer
I woke up this morning to find the controller for my wavebox flashing both its red lights and the pump not pulsing (the lights were off). When the lights came on, the pump light remained flashing, but the other red/green lights for wave movement flashed as well. I looked through the user's manual but was not able to find a problem that matched what I have, any ideas of what the problem may be and what I can do?
Background info: I have had the wavebox about 1-2 months, it is hooked up with a photocell that a recently had a problem with (replacement worked by the way, thank you), but the unit has been running without problems since.
Thank you,

It sounds like either a controller or pump problem. I see very, very few controller problems so I would lean toward a pump problem. Are you sure the pump is not jammed or obstructed and the controller didn't get wet?
Im positive the controller hasnt gotten wet, it is mounted on the inside of the cabinet my refugium sits on (no sump in there, only electrical components); however, the power supply for the pump sits on the floor, and while I dont think it was gotten wet, I cant make the same positive claim.

I also checked that the pump impellor was not blocked (this was a visual check, not a disassembly).
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I just got home from work and noticed that the power supply for the pump has a green light on it that is flashing as well.