Wavebox extension - 7095 controller


New member

I just received a 7095 controller, two 6100 streams and a wavebox extension. Can I connect all of these to the 7095 controller? How do I adjust the wave frequency down to .86 seconds as suggested in the manual? Thanks,

Do you have only the extension or the wavebox as well, the extension requires the wavebox to operate. You have to have a 6091 controller for the wavebox which in turn can be connected to the 7095 but the wavebox cannot run without the 6091.
Is the controller for the wavebox going to become a regular offering? If I wanted one to play with where could I order one from after you get them? I was thinking of trying to enclose several 6200 and make a built in Wavebox type device so I wouldn't have to hide 3 or 4 waveboxes in my next tank.
I will keep a few for spare parts, they will be available but not as an item stocked in large quantities, they cost about $80.