Wavebox mounting dimensions


New member
Hey guys.

Envision Acrylics is in the process of constructing my new tank and I need to know the spacing distance for the wavebox mounting brackets so James can determine where to drill the mounting holes through the euro-bracing. Can one of you who have already received your wavebox measure the width of the two mounting brackets and the distance between them so I can feed this information to James? I imagine he already has the tank itself largely built and is now working on the HOB overflow so I probably don't have too much more time to get this info to him before he installs the euro-bracing .... in other words, can someone post this information fairly quickly!?

Thanks in advance!


I apologize if this has been discussed before but, is there a reason you're not considering the magnets? I got my Wavebox yesterday and the magnet mounting is so clean and sturdy. Didn't really care for them on my Streams though.

Hi, Luis. At first I thought we could use the magnets too, but they are good to .75" glass thickness and the walls of my tank are either 1" or 1.25", can't remember which. Basically the walls are too thick for the magnets and James thought it best to drill mounting holes in the euro-bracing to use the standard mounting rods.

The problem is that the Tunze manual Roger posted does not include the dimensions we need and I'm #10 or #11 on Premium Aquatic's wait list so I didn't get one of the first units shipped and I couldn't forward it to James while he is building the tank.

Anyone out there willing to measure theirs for me? Pleeeeease!!

Here you go John.

I'm going to do this in metric since it has much finer increments.

Each of the 2 mounting rails is going to require a good 3 by 3 CENTIMETER (30 MILLIMETERS) opening in the perimeter bracing (or cape or whatever you want to call it) for the rails to rise up through said perimeter bracing for attachment to the side panel your mounting to.

These openings should be as flush with the side as possible to keep the unit as stable as possible.

You may want to get ahold of a STREAM or other Tunze product mounting rail (they are apparently universal) to aid in the process.

Now to answer your specific question, The rails themselves are 26-27 MILLIMETERS ( 2.6-2.7 CENTIMETERS) apart at the inside (between themselves).

Put another way, from the CENTER of each 3CMx3CM opening necessary for the rails to come through is a distance of 2.5 CENTIMETERS (25 MILLIMETERS).

I realize this sounds confusing, perhaps a simpler way to look at it is you will need an opening at least 3CM deep (might want to go even deeper for fudge factor) and you will need the opening to be at least 8.5 or 9 CENTIMETERS (85 OR 90 MILLIMETERS) wide. In SAE terms, about 1.5 inches by about 3.5 inches.

Always happy to help a fellow Reefer.

Sincerely, James
Forgot to mention, the wavebox itself is 4.5 INCHES wide, so leave yourself at least 1/2"-3/4 " from the corner before you make your opening(s).


Thank you, thank you. thank you! I just did the copy and paste routine and forwarded your information to the 'other' James. After spending this amount on a new tank, I really didn't want to have to start drilling and filing myself after the fact (knowing full well that I would have scratched it up). Now James can go ahead and do this professionally.

Thanks again!


No problem, I'll be retrofitting mine into my existing acrylic tank next week so I will let you know if I run into any other issues, but it appears on the surface to be pretty straightforward.
