Wavebox Question


New member

I am looking at buying an 8' bowfront aquarium 96x20/25x34 (290gallons). As I consider the ciruclation system for this tank I was wondering about a wavebox.

One series of posts that I read talked about the life of the tank being reduced by a wavebox. This concerns me, but more so, the comment said it is even harder on bowfronts.

2 questions then - is this a 'no-no' then?

would a wavebox nano be better than nothing?

First, the wavebox, like any surge or wave creating device will reduce tank life, the shifting weight created by the moving water volume will stress the seams. My particular comments on bow fronts may be nothing more than an opinion as several people seem to have successfully done it. I owned and operated a LFS when the bowfront tanks first came out and we saw very high seam failure rates and the wavebox wasn't even out at that time. It seemed to be a flaw that may have been remedied as I don't read many posts, but in the early part of the last decade when these tanks were new and all the rage, we saw many, many failures in my shop. I do worry that by the basic shape there has to be more stress on the front panel, you also have a smaller seam surface area due to the curve of the front panel, the wavebox will add stress to these seams and panel. The wavebox nano would be completely ineffective in a tank of this size, I would honestly just go with the Stream 2's and non wave flow.