Wavebox Question


Premium Member
I have a 175 gallon bowfront and am considering buying a wavebox. I currently have 4 Maxi Jet 900's and my return pump, Sequence Dart , for my water flow. If I were to purchase a wave box, could I eliminate the power heads in the tank. The Dart puts out a lot of flow and I was hoping it would be enough to compliment the wavebox alone.

How will having a bowfront affect the waves? I have heard that the wavebox will weaken an aquarium and shorten its lifespan. If this is true, would it be a good idea to use one on a bowfront tank which is already, supposedly, weaker than a rectangular tank?
I don't know how it would work exactly in a bowfront and you already mentioned my main concern- that bowfronts tend to be more failure prone and a wavebox may be pushing your luck. My best advice is to get a couple 6000 Streams, the cost is about the same and it will be safe and work well and use only slightly more electricity than 1 of your maxi jets.
Our LFS [JL Aquatics] have hooked up a wave box on their display tank..Its only water on the tank now and the box creates an amazing wave. You can see particles moving left to right. Can't wait till they fill up the tank..