

New member
God evening!

I am planning out my 180-225g tank right now (still haven't picked the exact tank) and I am researching all the different equipment I will need.

This week's project: Determine the pump set-up and flow in the tank.

So, I will be having a sump/refugium and will most likely have a chiller. Definitely a protein skimmer and maybe a UV clarifier. (Oh yeah, this will be a reef tank.

So, now I am trying to figure out what I should use for water movement in the tank. I was originally going to go with a Red Sea wavemaker Pro and then I saw this:


Anyone else using this Wave2k Center Unit Wavemaker?

Anyone have thoughts on this unit versus a red Sea Wavemaker wavemaker? Any other wavemakers that you can recommend?

Thanks in advance,
i have tunze wavebox in my 210g, it works great and with just one, it hits 2" wave. Wavebox should be the only thing you use for making wave :D
Would that be all I need for circulation in the tank? I assume the answer is yes?

Thanks for all your help!