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Also depends on how deep it is. A tank that's 48" deep will need way more wattage to penetrate the water than a tank that's 18"-24" deep. I mainly don't like deep tanks because you're all the way up to your armpits before you reach the bottom. John's (Your Reef) frag tanks at the new store are only about 6" deep!
Well my tank is just a little bit less then arm length, I believe about 23 inches tall or so and i want to have a reef tank. So beautiful fish and corals. I know that most corals require a bright light And ive heard the power compacts are a good source.
yes but i can always upgrade, Id like to get something now so i can start off and the upgrade to halide or something better.

Can those t5 light be hung, I saw a 24inch , but i have a 48 inch long tank. but I might just get the 48 inch 54W
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