Here is whats going on with the NCPARS website.
The site was formerly hosted on 2 servers, one of which stopped hosting us for some reason.
So NCPARS decided to rebuild/revamp the site to a newer fresh NCPARS look. We have picked out a theme and layout for the site and it is being built.
Right now we are having some DNS or IP address issues with the .org hosting company with our site hosting company.
Those are being resolved currently and a website should be up SOON. (fingers crossed).
The new site will be easier to navigate, use, and be easier on they eyes. We will have a forum similar to our old forum or if you are not familiar with it, it should be similar to the reefcentral forums.
I hope that this updates and informs you all on what is going on. If you have any more questions I would be glad to assist!
Have a great day,