

New member
The new website is up. Its kind of generic right now as we input all the proper information in its place.

Please feel free to setup a login name and password to use our forums and check out whats new!

We will discuss this more at the spring swap!


The website has been updated. Actually, I update it as often as I can.

There is now a full copy of the NCPARS Bylaws.

A Presidents Message

A Coming Soon Tab.

Banners from most if not all of our sponsors(continually updated)

Reef images section

New Poll for the Swap.

News section tab.

Link to RC. I need DIY links, as well as any other important link for reefers. Send them to me either via PM or Email and I will load them in.


OH, is there anything that we didn't think of yet? I want to add what you guys want to the site. This is your site and your ideas are more than welcome!
Rick how about a section for the school tanks or other educational activities.

The site is looking good!! Great job!

If someone has a decent camera, maybe they could take some pics at the swap and you could put them on the website.
Carl, I will add the school tank section tonight, it should be up and running before you wake up, that is if you are sleeping tonight.

Critter, I think I put that on the site somewhere. I would love if someone would take some digital photos of the swap so we can incorporate a flash of them that rotates on its own.

Great ideas guys, keep them coming.