weekend trip damaged coral


New member
<p>So went on vacation for the weekend came back everything in my tank was great except my pectina coral the whole back end bone is showing and noticed that my Red BTA moved from the back of my tank to under the pectina. </P>


<p>I am wondering if the bta was not on top of it for a day when it was moving and was damaging it. Any ideas on what i can do for the coral?</P>

That's the exact reason I won't own an anemone...the first day I put mine in it went across all my corals then went into my mp40 ...I'll never own one again
I keep my anemone in a basket it can't get out of for that reason. It sounds like it burned ur coral on the move past
Also keep in mind when the lights go out the Hollywood stunner chalice you have next to the damaged coral that the stunner has some long sweepers that can sting other corals
Also keep in mind when the lights go out the Hollywood stunner chalice you have next to the damaged coral that the stunner has some long sweepers that can sting other corals

Yeah the stunner far enough the picture makes it looks closer than it is and they both been there for a long time this damaged happened over the 2 1/2 days I was gone. The only thing I can think of is the BTA because it was on the other side of the rock and no where near the pectina coral and were it is now.

thing that sucks it this BTA split so I still have the other half in the back were I was hoping they would both stay I might have to figure a way to get it out if becomes an issue I juts hope the Pectina will recover and not go it shock or something and die
Isn't the damaged coral the one a few months ago you said was dying from bleaching to much light ..it looks like it came back pretty good if its the same coral maybe it will be fine ....I have a few corals that fall over or start to touch at some point and they die in that area of contact but after a month they start to regrow new skin over the dead skeleton section ...if you have a healthy environment your coral should recover
Isn't the damaged coral the one a few months ago you said was dying from bleaching to much light ..it looks like it came back pretty good if its the same coral maybe it will be fine ....I have a few corals that fall over or start to touch at some point and they die in that area of contact but after a month they start to regrow new skin over the dead skeleton section ...if you have a healthy environment your coral should recover

Cool yeah it came back nice and healthy wasn't sure if I should take it out and do a iodine dip or not or just leave it alone and let be.