Weird looking zoa


New member

Polyp is very thin compared to others. I've never seen any zoa diseases like this or if its something to worry about. Im thinking it may just be splitting, but figured Id post here in case I should frag it away from the other 2 polyps.
I have this exact same colony. Ironically I have watched it lately and it reacts to everything. This type of polyp is well known for crowning, also called an umbrella like appearance as it tucks its skirts underneath the oral disc and puffs upwards. It will swell, thin out and the disc itself will even swell in high current and bright light. In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and nothing to worry about as this particular polyp does lots of crazy things and it is perfectly normal.

Mucho Reef
I was just kind of worried lol. It seems to be healthy, and it always opens. I figured it was splitting or something, but figured I would ask. Better to be safe than sorry =).
Ph is 8.2 Alk/DH is 9-10 ish and salinity is 1.025. All my other Zoas and paly's are doing fine. Im stumped lol. Should I frag the weird looking polyp or just give it time?