Well crap

Nitrates 5
Mag 1290
Cal 470
Alk 9.3
Phos 0
Ammonia 0

Any thoughts ? Ive had a little sand storm going now and then.
Check your test kits first are they still good?
Also...do you have a refugium? If so, how is that doing?
Lack of nutrition?
Did you turn down you light setting when you changed tanks? From what I've read in the past when a SPS coral turns brown it's a lack of light allowing the zooxanthellae to over populate. Also too much nutrients can cause this but if your test kits are right then I would lean more towards the lights. Your LPS could be mad for the same reason or possibly the random sand storms
Sorry to hear this.
I haven't kept corals in awhile so my suggestions are a hail Mary at best.
Maybe try an infusion of nutrients(?) and a high quality water change
Reef Chili
Tropic Marin All-for-Reef

Wish I could help more and hope it isn't as bad as it seems. Was watching your build( gorgeous tank ) I'll keep researching online and see what else I can find.
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Did you say you just changed tanks?

That will surely do it. Not real sure of a remedy though. Hopefully things will recover quickly.
I just after 2 months got mine to color up from brown. My problem was from what I believe to have been too much amino feeding and not enough light. I lightened up the amino feeding to 1x every other week and more light. Big time improvement. Colors are poppin'. I also want to say reef roids IMO rocks. Hope some suggestions from somebody helps ya. Could possibly be your corals adjusting to the new environment and it's differences from old. +1 on the zooxanthella and browning, worth reading up on that one. I've read the amino feeding can attribute to that and low lighting. There are other factors though as well. Hope it goes well.
all the above^ there could be multiple things.

what came to my mind was emulating the tide. .. Every 10-18 hours mix up a blend of nutrients, sweep it over the coral. Then flush(change) the water.
maybe tinker with the light since it's shallower. could be burning them.

Suggest talking to John @ FAOIS
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so many things it could be. How long was it before you transferred to the new tank? Low nutrients, High nutrients, false nitrate/phosphate readings, light changes, flow changes, you name it, it can cause "crap to happen". Browning usually from moves (in my experience) has been attributed to low light (I know, doesn't make sense). Too high of lighting, in my experience caused bleaching. Also, I had browning experience due to low alk (CaRx pump quit so was low). There are so many variables, I truely hope you figure out :).
Just literally went through this...

Just literally went through this...

Nitrates 5
Mag 1290
Cal 470
Alk 9.3
Phos 0
Ammonia 0

Any thoughts ? Ive had a little sand storm going now and then.

You didn't specify your salinity. Check that and see if that may be the issue... mine were around 1.020.... and after I brought it up they started several days afterwards. I of course brought it up slowly to 1.023, then 1.025. Now they are showing more PE.
Others mentioned low nutrient. Bad things always happen to me when I have 0 PO4 and Kh above 8.

Agreed. Let the alk lower gradually to 7.8-8 and feed more. Flake food will help get the PO4 up a bit

That's why the zeovit guys who ran 0 NO3 and 0 PO4 always ran alk around 7
Agreed. Let the alk lower gradually to 7.8-8 and feed more. Flake food will help get the PO4 up a bit

That's why the zeovit guys who ran 0 NO3 and 0 PO4 always ran alk around 7

Thanks guys, After running the carbon a couple days, Im getting polyp ext. now. They are still brown, the lps are happy again. I think I may have got something in the tank. i cant for the life of me think of what , but I think things are on the upswing.
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