Went on a field trip today, of ORA proportions


New member
As many of you know, I lived 20 minutes from ORA until very recently. My then local club arranged a field trip to ORA a couple of years back and I posted pictures of my experience (which was an awesome one). Well, the other day, thanks to another forum member who pm'd me when I was looking for home grown phytoplankton, I met a local guy who cultures the stuff. I went by his house at night to pick it up, and I took my oldest child. Because it was dark, and because I was paying close attention that my daughter did not get into any of the tanks, I did not have the opportunity to see his entire setup. So I made arrangements to go by today. WOW! I could not believe that a mini-ORA fish farm was right next to me on Bird and 107. He not only cultures phyto, and rotifers (which he sells at extremely cheap prices), but he also breeds all different types of clowns, including snowflakes and onyx, cardinals, seahorses, as well as aqua culture xenia and macro-algaes. His fuge was incredible! Literally, a hole in the ground filled to the brim with all sorts of life. I took some pics of the place. If you want to go by and take a personal tour, he and his wife are extremely hospitable and love to show their little fish farm.










His name is Miguel, his wife is Xiomara. Their number is 305-898-7193 and they're located at 10855 SW 42 Street. They're not a store; they're hobbists like you and me, and I have no affiliation with them what-so-ever. I am just sharing a cool find.
His name is Miguel, his wife is Xiomara. Their number is 305-898-7193 and they're located at 10855 SW 42 Street. They're not a store; they're hobbists like you and me, and I have no affiliation with them what-so-ever. I am just sharing a cool find.
Yes, they sell to hobbyists. Like I said, they're not a store, or even a business (I dont think), but they sell & trade, just like we would.
thats awsome! Im sure they will be getting alot of calls from members soon, did you happen to see the snowflakes? Where there any ones that werent babies?
His name is Miguel, his wife is Xiomara. Their number is 305-898-7193 and they're located at 10855 SW 42 Street. They're not a store; they're hobbists like you and me, and I have no affiliation with them what-so-ever. I am just sharing a cool find.

I went to his house today. What a find! I bought a percula pair and just finished acclimating them. $20 for the pair. Also bought rotifers, plankton and some kind of amphipod.

His place is amazingly well organized and well cared for. He and his wife spent a lot of time talking to my friend and I about the fish, filtration, etc. And those polyps in the fugue! I almost cried when he said they weren't for sale.

He explained to us that he has been in this business since the early 1970s and his experience shows. Great place!
thats awsome! Im sure they will be getting alot of calls from members soon, did you happen to see the snowflakes? Where there any ones that werent babies?

I went there today and did see a snowflake but not yet for sale. He has the breeders set up in individual tanks and this is where the snowflakes were. Notn in the for sale section yet but he does have a lot of different types of clowns.

There are clowns of all stages of development there and Miguel is happy to walk you around showing them off. There were tiny clowns so small I had to really look for them. Cutest things ever.
Nobody ever wants to give up those cinammon polyps...geesh! :)

The bunch of them combined are the size of a small bridal bouquet. :eek: individually they are silver-dollar sized!! I almost slipped on my own drool. Lol..

I have some pretty amazing ones I talked Strictly Fish into fragging for me from their display. I'll keep you in mind when I am ready to frag them.
Thanks, I'm mainly looking for the green ones. Been dying to get my hands on strictly fish's in the display tank. I have 3 really big colonies of the brown and white ones.
Thanks, I'm mainly looking for the green ones. Been dying to get my hands on strictly fish's in the display tank. I have 3 really big colonies of the brown and white ones.

The frag he made me at strictly is of the green ones. It has already grown from one polyp into four (the three new ones are small yet). He has them under metal halides in his display and mine are under power compacts so they ARE green, but not nearly as amazingly so as his.

My ecotech radion LEDs Will hopefully arrive soon and color them up. Have just been waiting for them to ship. I will be happy to give you a polyp. I know what I went thru to talk him in to selling me one and how badly I wanted one!

Keep you posted.