What additives do you use on your ZOAS' tank?

A. Grandis

Active member
Aminos, vitamins, food, etc...
Please post brands and types with your observations.
I want to see what you guys recommend and why. :D
Perhaps I could try something new...

Korallen zuchte amino acid lps.

made my lps heal when I was losing hope.

Nice! Could you please let us know more about that?
How did that happen? What dosage and how often? How many gallons does the system have?
How long took for the lps to react/heal. How bad was it?

Well I got a calcium test kit and it showed my calcium in the 360 range, and since I want to bring that up to the 400-420 range I got a tub of Red Sea Foundation ABC+, the regular ABC has Cal/Mag and I think strontium in separate containers so you can does individually, the ABC+ is one tub with those three mixed in as well as many trace elements, whats nice about the tub(which is only meant for tanks 55g and under) is all the elements are balance in the correct ratios as you would find in natural sea water.

Our local frag club had the guy from Red Sea who designed their supplement, testing and aquarium lines as a guest speaker at the last meeting about reef chemistry, I could have picked his brain for hours with how much info and experience he has(PHD Microbiologist)

Now, all that aside I know that while higher Cal levels aren't needed for our zoos I dont think it can hurt and will help the other coral. I occasionally put in some product like PurpleTech or PurpleUp for the Coraline.

edit: This is exactly what I use:

I slow dose 8-10 grams a night after lights out to slowly bring my levels up as it mentions it is not safe to raise any level more than 20ppm in 1 day.

Not an additive but I do use phyto and zooplankton mixes when feeding the coral as well, like reef chilli.
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I bought the Kent Marine Nano Reef part A and part B last night. Gave my first dose. I also bought Instant ocean salt. I do not want to do a water change since I have not completed my cycle but my salinity is low so I am going to mix 5 gallons and add it to my tank as I get evaporation. That should bring my salinity up and I am hoping to see a better change in water parameters with the better salt mix.
Need to correct myself, I said the red sea line has its elements balanced for natural sea water. That is incorrect, they balance the ratios based on what coral skeletons are naturally made of. Their designer explained they actually crushed up some coral and put is through a mass spec machine to get the ratios, and used the mean average of element ratios across all kinds of coral(LPS/SPS/Zoos/etc) to get the ratios they used for their supplements. At least the ones where it is all one mix like ABC+

Been dosing for a week and now the one zoa colony that only opened for 2hrs a day now opens for longer and everything else looks real happy, my sunnyD's are bright as heck.

I feed frozen meaty foods once a week like small brine shrimp,cyclops,rotifers,2 hours later I do a 10-20% water change.
I keep stable parameters with the Balling method and dosing pumps.
I have tried addictive`s like Reef Pearls or Phytoplankton,in dehydrated form but I cant keep my phosphates low when I do,so I have abandoned this type of food.
I dont run GFO or GAC.
Aminoacids are a routine for me cause I have very low fish bioload and low nutrients.
Seachem Reef+,KZ AA,Pohl`s Extra,CV are in stock now so I use them every now and then.

I have never dosed anything aside from elements like the big 3. Most everything just isn't necessary and a waste of time and money.

Good lighting, good & stable water quality, and fish poo.
Good Article.

The only problem that I have with Reef Roids is that the next day after using it My Phosphates rose by 0.2 so I stopped using Reef Roids because of that.

Does anybody else notice that?
Normally I target feed one day before I do my water changes. That way the phosphates and other nutrients won't have time to feed the algae.
If you use the right amount of food you won't have that much of spike also.
Many times target feeding won't give you any nutrient problems, specially with a good skimmer running.

Normally I target feed one day before I do my water changes. That way the phosphates and other nutrients won't have time to feed the algae.
If you use the right amount of food you won't have that much of spike also.
Many times target feeding won't give you any nutrient problems, specially with a good skimmer running.


I didn't target feed though.

I just Dosed the Tank the recommended amount on the Bottle.

Today I will target feed my Zoanthids only and use less of the Reef Roids and then test tomorrow.

Hopefully that will work and then I will Do that once a week if it does.

Only problem is is that the tank with the Zoanthids has no Skimmer.
I didn't target feed though.

I just Dosed the Tank the recommended amount on the Bottle.

Today I will target feed my Zoanthids only and use less of the Reef Roids and then test tomorrow.

Hopefully that will work and then I will Do that once a week if it does.

Only problem is is that the tank with the Zoanthids has no Skimmer.
Yeah, I recommend to get a nice skimmer for the zoa tank then.
Keep up with the partial water changes. I change 10% a week.
When you target feed you use only a bit of food. Only what the zoas will consume. Their guts aren't that big anyway...
You should be fine now with the ReefRoids.
