What am I doing wrong? Help


New member
So I have had my tank for several years and have had great success with fish. Have had decent success with sps and zoas when I first get them and even a couple of months. Then all of a sudden for no reason they either stop growing or shrivel up and melt. What is recommended for taking frags to mini colonies?
What have you done to have the best long term success.
I know there will be a lot more questions but what is the secret to the success?Thank you in advance.
Stability is imo the secret to success, how often are you testing your parameters and keeping them in check? How often do you calibrate your refractometer with the proper calibration fluid?
1st you have to know the analysis of your water as far as PH, Alkalinity( the most important of all), Nitrate, Magnesium & Calcium.
Use one of these test kits--Red Sea, Salifert or Elos.
Then we can better advise you.