What and when to feed?


New member
I am trying to increase the nutrition in my tank in some hope of getting my brown but growing acros to take on color. I have all water parameters withing reason, light is good and feed them plankton/prime reef/rotifers/shrimp etc without much change. I have a CA reactor but have also started dosing strontium in hopes that that might help. CA is good, DkH is 7, salinity 1.025, no nitrates/phosphates and ph is 8.3. Finally, the get more than adequate lighting with a thousand watts of halide/pc. So, what the heck is wrong and do I need to increase my daily feeding. I do only feed once a day to avoid algae blooms.

I skim as heavily as I feed. I just started my tank up somewhat recently, so my coral load is low. But in previous tanks I fed Cyclopeeze, DT's oyster eggs, Golden Pearls and every two to three weeks, I fed phytoplankton. I raised my own rotifers and phyto at the time.