What are these algae balls on my rock??


New member

I've got 5 of these little "balls" growing in my tank. I rip them out but they grow back. Two questions: what are they?? and what will eat them?


Hey Rick,

Where did the rocks come from? Does the algae feel soft or is it coarse? It might be bryopsis or derbesia. Turbo snails, trochus snails, and nerite snails would probably all eat it but it is easier for them to eat if it is short. Do you test your nitrates and phosphates?

The rocks are from tonga, but this stuff didn't start growing for a while (3 months) after I got them.

It is actually very soft, and looks like a glob of hair when it's outside of the water.

I just picked up for more turbos yesterday hoping that they'll like it. We'll see.

I also have some Astrea, nassarius (SP), cerith, and margarita snails, plus some scarlet hermits in terms of inverts and so far no one cares for it.

In terms of fish, I have three tangs (yellow, kole and blue), a rabbitfish, lawn mower blenny and flame angel. None of them seem to care for it either. I speficially added the rabbitfish two weeks ago to combat this stuff and he doesn't seem to care for it. Bummer.

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Looks like bryopsis to me. You should do some seaches. If it is bryopsis I would highly recommend throwing those rocks out. I battled it for two years and it was not worth the effort to win the battle. I wish I had just pulled out the effected rocks and thrown them away.