What are these black bubbles and should I be worried?


Active member
Hey guys,

I have found about 3 or so black bubbles on my rocks recently. I have not been able to get any good shots of them, but I stumble upon this picture online which has the very same bubbles that I have seen on my tank and it is of very good quality. Can you guys share with me any knowledge you may have and should I be worried and do something about this?

They are the ones right above the green coral to the left of the photo.
I think you are right. I have never seen this before in my tank. I just finished my battle with GHA and now starts the battle with bubble algae. *smh*

Back to the LFS to get some crabs that will eat this one. This fight never ends.

Thank you for confirming my fears.
Emerald crabs did a good job on the little that I had, then the turned to munching on Acans. Needless to say I got rid of them quickly.
LOL. That sucks. sorry to hear that Bryan, but I've been there too. The solution eventually becomes a problem itself.

I'll get a few of them and keep an eye on them once they are done with the bubble.
Hmm. This is very interesting. I'll try to make sure my LFS knows the difference. Thank you for the heads up.
So, does this look correct based on your experience? Just want to make sure before I buy them.


I have had success removing by hand being careful not to rupture. Water changes I just siphoned them out too. My fox face actually makes short work of all algae including bubble.

Best of luck,
I'm currently dealing with the same problem but I'd be careful with emerald crabs. a lot of them won't eat the bubble algae and some will go after your sps (which I see you have in your tank). I am manually removing them, running GFO, and trying to keep my water quality as high as possible. if be ****ED if I saw a crab eating my sps