What are these growing in back of my tank?


Active member
I have an All-n-One 28G JBJ nano tank. In the back wall is the pump/heater and there are a bunch of these growing. They look like sponges but when they lose and make the way to my main tank area, they would stick to my corals and irritate them.

Any idea what they are and how to get rid of them?


It just looks like a bunch of sponges covered in muck IMO. In a low flow environment what your seeing would be quite common. If you want to get rid of them just pipe some vinyl hosing back there during your next water change and siphon them out. You might not get all of them the first time, but if you keep trying from week to week you should be able rid yourself of these things.
Yes- thats what they are. Are these Sycon sponges good or bad for reef tank?
It seems when they make their way to the front and gets to a coral, the coral seems irritated.
but if they are good for the tank, Ill just leave them in the back.