what are these growths on my palys?


New member
The paly looked normal when I got it a couple of months ago. Then the rims became 'rippled', not flat open like the rest. I noticed the bumps / growths on the rippled palys. When I try to remove them they seem to be part of the paly and not a bug. The growths seem to be 2 per head on opposite sites, but that is only a generalization. The growths are the same color as the skirt.

Now I have a second frag (different variety) looking the same way. What is it?


I tried a dip in H2O2 and in Seachem reef dip, but neither seemed to affect it.
I have seen this asked before, no one had an answer. I think they are just normal parts of the palys. You can see one variety of palys in my tank has the same 'bumps'.

Oh, I have also noticed they develop as the palys age, as you can see the ones in the middle of this colony have more than the brand new ones. So that would explain why you did not see them at first.
Normal part of some palys +1. My Captain Americas have those, as do the Captain Americas on CoralPedia.
My CA have them as well. I normally try to cut those palys off. When I do they seem to go away...Not all the time though
I saw many pictures with that type of growth. I would say it's a fairly normal thing.
I'm not sure exactly what there is.
